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The Periodic System of Emotions
and the Categoriale Psychologic

Prof. Dr. Max Lüscher, Kreuzbuchrain 14, CH-6006 Luzern

When 1846 Mendelajew discovered that the protons, the neutrons and electrons of an atom determine what kind of an element it is and which characteristics the structure has, it became possible to calculate how many elements there could be and what structures (characteristics) these may have. On the basis of this law, it was possible to estimate that there ought to be elements that are not yet known. Indeed, they were discovered as a result. This scientific regularity is called:
The periodic system of the elements of physical chemistry.

When, with the help of the Categoriale Psychologic, it was discovered that the latter's categories determine the nature of an emotional "element" and which characteristics its structure have to have, it also became possible to calculate how many psychological basic structures there should be and which characteristics these have. This regularity is called: The Periodic System of the Categoriale Psychologic.

The Basis of Categoriale Psychologics

If ten staffs are randomly plunged into the water to half their lengths, they all appear to be broken. If one doubts this ten-fold observation, one can reassess the experiment with optical instruments and arrive at the same result. However, is this proof that the staffs are broken?
No, what one has perceived is being misinterpreted.

The risk of a misinterpretation increases all the more if what is being talked about is not visible as, for example, with what we call "soul" or "psyche."

One should avoid psychologies that are based on arbitrary assumptions or subjective opinions. It is helpful to use a psychology that does not take anything for granted, that is not implicitly certain, absolutely true and consequently logical; it must be a psycho-logic.

Since the days of Aristotle and Descartes' famous "I think, therefore I am," we know that I cannot doubt that I exist, that I live. This is a certain truth for everyone who is alive.
To be alive means that one is in relationship with something else, in relationship to other people, in relation to several interests or at least in relation to some stimuli. There are two possibilities: either one can experience something or one can do something.
In Categoriale Psychologic, to experience something or to receive something is called "receptive", and to do something or to determine something like a conductor or director would is called "directive". Receptive and directive are purely logical categories. They define the comparison of directive and receptive as a constellation.

The three dimensions of the Categoriale Psychologic


The first dimension is the Constellation (comparable with the space)
with the two categories receptive and directive.
Receptive is: to experience, to accept, to obey.
Directive is: to do, to determine, to order.
(The empty space is receptive. The object in the space is directive.
It defines what is above, what is below, what is left, what is right of it.)


 The second dimension is the Continuity (comparable with the time)
with the two categories constant and variable.
If the receptive or directive alignments change rapidly or frequently
then it is variable.
If it doesn't change it is constant. The parents are constantly the parents.
(The continuity means "time", if something is constant or slow or it is variable
or quick).

The Quaternity

If the first dimension is drawn as a horizontal line and the second dimension as a vertical line, which crosses the horizontal line in the middle, then we get four quadrants. They consist of the four categories and are therefore called structures. These four structures are called 1, 2, 3 4.


These four structures correspond to many known Quaternity: the four temperaments, the four elements, the four directions, the four seasons and even the city districts as well as the Quaternity of many religious symbols. Its use was manifold. 

This Quaternity is also the main classification of:


  receptive directive
variable 4 paranoid 3 manic
constant 1 depressive 2 obsessive

The Four Temperaments

  receptive directive
variable 4 sanguineous 3 choleric
constant 1 phlegmatic 2 melancholic

The Four Elements

  receptive directive
variable 4 air 3 fire
constant 1 water 2 earth

This Quaternity is, however, insufficient because it does not account for the third dimension.

III The third dimension: the Communication

The third dimension consists of the compellingly logical mutuality of the two quadrants of 1 and 3 and the two quadrants of 4 and 2.
The category of the two quadrants 1 and 3 is integrative.
The category of the two quadrants 2 and 4 is separative.
Integrative and separative indicate the way of communication.
(The communication of space and time can be compared to the two aspects
of the quantum theory: particle separative and waves integrative.)

The three dimensions with their respective two categories:

First dimension: directive or receptive
directive: I direct, order, command or it is determined
receptive: I assimilate, accept, obey or it is undetermined
Second dimension: constant or variable
constant: something always remains the same
variable: something changes or the relationship changes
Third dimension: integrative or separative
integrative: something connects or joins
separative: something separates or differentiates

IV The Function

The function is the places value of the four basic structures.
The places value is the position a, b, c, d of the four structures.
The position shows the dis-position, the emotional state and the peculiarity.

The first position "a" means: to turn to: to like. It is marked with +.
The fourth position "d" means: to turn away: to dislike. It is marked with -.
Exalted ("neurotic") to turn to: urge or ardent desire is marked with ++.
Exalted ("neurotic") to turn away is marked with - -,
e.g. anxiety to be threaten or anxiety to be insufficient.

The Periodic System of the four basic structures

The four basic structures 1, 2, 3, 4 can be in a different position e.g. 1 2 3 4 or 1 2 4 3 or 1 3 2 4 etc. until 4 3 2 1.
This periodic sequence consists of 24 possibilities.
They form the Periodic System of the Categoriale Psychologic.

The use of logical categories for the definition of Empiric Terms

The periodic system of Categoriale Psychologic is used for the definition and the understanding of emotions, of subconscious motivation, of behaviour patterns as well as for colors and forms of the Lüscher-Test as mathematics is applied in technology.

The categories of Categoriale Psychologic are logical "intellectual terms" (I. Kant). They are superior to the empiric terms of emotions, colors, forms and objects.

These logical categories have to define, on one hand the emotional term "lively," and on the other hand the object "the color orange-red".
If the same logical category can be applied to the emotion as well as for the object
than the emotion stimulation corresponds to the significance of the object to the colour orange red.

Logical Category
Emotion (feeling) Object (term)
directive variable integrative directive variable integrative
Stimulation Orange-Red

Logical Category
Emotion (feeling) Object (term)
directive variable integrative directive variable integrative
hard glass

It is possible to define with the six categories everything that is experiential, for example a form, a color, a smell, an expression, an architectural piece or any other object that can be experienced.

The use of The Periodic System of Emotional Structures

The following examples show four single structures (1, 2, 3, 4) put together according to their functions (++, +, -, --), similar to how atoms form molecules, for example H2O.

One example beginning
with 1, one beginning with 2, one beginning with 3 and one beginning with 4:


Wants comfortable peace. +4 rec. Evades. Lets himself go. -2 rec. var. Feels power-less. - -3 rec. Feels pushed, overburdened or exhausted and depressed.

Desire to let oneself go.

++2 dir.

Wants to be competent and self-directed. +3 dir. Strives for success. -4 dir. int. Sticks to intention. - -- -1 dir.  Doesn't want to be distracted or disturbed.

Headstrong and authoritarian.

++3 dir.

Wants to cause success. +2 dir. Headstrong and confident. -1 dir. sep. Sets boundaries. - - -4 dir. Sticks stubbornly to intentions. Does not allow for insecurity.

Determined and headstrong.

++4 var.

Always open for the new. +3 var. Impulsive and restless. -1 var. dir. Never satisfied. Wants more. - -- -2 var. Is flexible and avoids obstacles.

Hungry for adventure.

Who recognizes a characteristic personality structure in the above text charts has to be aware that these clear personality structures are neither an interpretation nor do they stem from intuition. In these charts, only single elements of the Periodic System of Emotions were joined together logically, similar as in chemistry atoms are connected to molecules, for example H2O.

The application of the Categoriale Psychologic

Each of the 24 basic structures occurs in different aeries of life, e.g.

1: Sense of belonging in partnership or with a close person. (Blue aeria).
2: How I feel myself and capability of controlling self. (Green aeria)
3: Activity, drive and reaction to challenges. (Orange aeria)
4: Expectancy and attitude toward new acquaintances. (Yellow aeria)

The Periodic System of the Categoriale Psychologic contains therefore with the 4 basic structures (1, 2, 3, 4) with 24 sequences = 96 structures and the 4 most important aeries of life 384 defined attitudes.


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